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Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo Visits Slovenia
2023-08-31 21:11

From August 28 to 29, 2023, Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo visited Slovenia, during which he attended the Bled Strategic Forum and addressed the session entitled "Future for Multilateralism", making clear China's positions and stances.

During his visit, Wu Hongbo met with Slovenian State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs Samuel Žbogar. The two sides fully recognized the development of China-Slovenia relations, agreed to further promote practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields, and had an exchange of views on international and regional issues of mutual interest and concern.

Wu Hongbo also had exchanges and discussions with President of the Slovenian Association for International Relations Marjan Šetinc and other scholars, and visited the IEDC-Bled School of Management. Both sides expressed the willingness to continue to jointly promote personnel exchanges and cooperation in relevant fields.

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